Guided to the Word by a Voice

The Unlikely Conversion of Sheilagh Kaiser
I haven’t included any contemporary accounts on the Church History Review, but I am going to make an exception. I met Sheilagh at her Aunt Cassy’s funeral – or more precisely at the wake at a very smart house in the southern suburbs of Cape Town. Sheilagh gave what I expected would be a normal eulogy. But as she spoke of how she encountered God’s love I was thunderstruck that her Aunt Cassy, a quiet, humble ‘little old lady’,  had broken through so many points of resistance to share the gospel with her. This post may seem a little long – believe me, you will not regret setting some time aside to read the story. I’ve put this online not because the recipient of God’s grace was a very wealthy person, but because of the obedience of a humble Christian to speak about Jesus to others. I’ll let Sheilagh take it from here:

A Privileged Home
I grew up in a privileged home, the daughter of hoteliers Ray and Doreen Roberts. And Cassy Cunningham was Doreen’s oldest sister, so Cassy was my aunt. My father owned popular hotels and many people came for holidays. Cassy and her son Michael were often with us over the holidays from Joburg. Cassy was strange; she would talk about Jesus every chance she got. And this irritated my very worldly father. He called her a fruitcake but was tolerant of her so long as she didn’t preach to him. As children we picked up on this attitude and shared in the disrespect. As a family, we grew up with plenty. Plenty of everything: the best schools, hotel food, servants, cars, and whatever we wanted. I was a complete stranger to lack and didn’t notice others who had lack and needs.

Financial Success
I moved from Durban to Joburg after College and began selling real estate. I became successful at a young age, selling blocks of flats and then sectionalising them for individual sectional title sale. At 23 I was fortunate enough to land a very exciting and prosperous job which required I move back to Durban where I settled in Umhlanga Rocks. I quickly rose through the ranks and became the Sales Manager of the operation. We sold Umhlanga Sands, and then I moved to Plettenberg Bag to sell at the Beacon Island Hotel. I enjoyed the best of everything. I rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous, sailed on yachts – had a beautiful place overlooking the sea, drove an expensive sports car, flew in the company Lear Jet. I was 24 and had everything a young person could wish for. Many asked for an opportunity to work for me. I was responsible for hiring and firing.

Something Important Missing
When I wasn’t working I would jog along the beach on the Roberg side of the mountain, which was flat with a long stretch to jog comfortably for quite a distance. One evening I was jogging. It was beautiful weather – the moon was rising over the ocean, casting a moon beam on the water-logged sand. Dolphins were surfing the waves on my left. I was conscious of being in a beautiful place, but there was an emptiness in my heart which I could not explain. Something was missing, but I had no idea what it was. I tried to run towards the moonbeam. I was running faster and faster, jumping, running backwards, but always the moonbeam was just out of reach – always ahead of me. I couldn’t catch up to it. I stood on the beach that evening and was confounded as to what was missing. What did I need? What did I want? What was the problem? I looked up at the stars which were starting to come out and I prayed a silent prayer. I said, ‘God if you are real I want to know you.’  I didn’t want religion – I wanted to know God if that was possible. I had no idea that I had just prayed the most important prayer of my life.

That was in November 1983. In December I went to Cape Town to a New Year’s Eve party. It was a who’s who of Cape Town people. I remember that beach party so clearly. I had the sense that there was a change coming – I thought maybe it would come with the New Year. When midnight came everyone whooped and hollered and I realised even more that I was missing something: this feeling of joy. Again I looked up at the stars and prayed a silent prayer that change would come.

The Embarrassment of Auntie Cassy
I returned to Plett around the 2nd January. On 4th January 1984 I was sitting in my office at the Beacon Island Hotel, overlooking the green lawns and beautiful blue ocean when a young boy came up to my desk and tapped my arm saying, ‘Hello Aunty Sheilagh!’  
I recognised him as Michael and wondered where his mom Cassy was. Inwardly I groaned as I didn’t want to be preached to.  She had arrived on the island with two friends. They were staying in Knysna on holiday. Cassy later told me that God had told her to come and see me in Plett and talk to me about my soul. She had argued with God saying that I was not very receptive but she finally obeyed and came to see me.

I was very conscious of my appearance and keeping up with the Jones’s. Cassy and her friends looked like Methodist missionaries! I was not very proud of my visitors. I figured I’d give them refreshments and set them on their way as quickly as possible. We sat at a table on the lawn with this incredibly beautiful view. My very important, wealthy friends and clients were coming and going among the tables. Cassy narrowed her eyes and gave her disarming smile and asked, ‘Sheilagh, how is your relationship with God?’ I was expecting something like this. I quickly replied, ‘Oh Cass, I’m a good person, I give to the poor and don’t harm people.’ 

I didn’t want this line of questioning – I wanted this over! She said that it wasn’t about do’s and don’ts – it was about a relationship with Jesus – did I have a relationship with Jesus? Well of course I didn’t, but this wasn’t the time or place to discuss this! Then her friend also started to talk to me about Jesus. Something held me in my place while they started talking about Jesus. They told me that I should ask Him into my heart. Finally I said I would do it at home later that night, but they said, ‘Today is the day of salvation.’ 

Pierced to the Heart
The words pierced my heart. They asked me to pray after them, and I did. I invited Jesus into my heart and life. Suddenly I felt Jesus standing behind me. It felt as though a can opener went around my head and the lid was lifted off backwards. I felt myself fill up with a glorious something – it started at my feet and went right through my body until it passed through my heart region. I felt my spirit and my smile connect for the first time in my life. Then the lid was put back and I knew I had everything I had wished for. I was full. I had found what I was looking for. I walked back into my office and my staff asked me what had happened to me as I was shining. I dismissed it as sunshine.

Following the voice!
That evening I left work early. Usually I was at the hotel until all hours of the night. I loved my job and it never felt like work to me. This night I was home before 6pm. I knew something had happened to me but didn’t know what it was. I sat on my bed and prayed out loud.
I said, ‘God what must I do?’ 
I heard an audible voice coming from the righthand side saying, ‘Sheilagh go and get your Bible.’ 
My Bible? I didn’t have a Bible! I remembered someone had left a small New Testament among my books from years before and I had boxes of books downstairs unopened. I ran to open the boxes – there was no Bible. I ran back upstairs and sat down. I prayed again, ‘I don’t have a Bible, what must I do?’ 
I heard the audible voice again saying, ‘Go and buy your Bible.’ I looked at my watch. It was 6.10pm. Where was I to buy a Bible in Plett, at 6.10pm (this was January 1984 remember)? 
I felt that I must get in my car. This voice was guiding me, telling me to turn right, turn left, stop etc. Finally I came to a shop that I thought was an Estate Agency – until I saw letters in the window saying , ‘Jesus loves you.’ I argued with this voice saying that they would not be open this time of night. Then I saw movement in the shop, so I parked and walked in.

A Vow Broken
At the age of 15 I had made an internal vow to never cry again. Ever. I was now 24 and had been faithful to that vow. However, when I walked into the store I felt tears welling up in me, and instantly felt ashamed of the tears and wanted to run out the shop. Why was I crying? I walked in saying, ‘I have come for….’ The shop assistant interrupted, saying, ‘…your Bible!’ She handed me a Bible. I was speechless. How did she know? She told me that her shop was never open past 4pm every day, but this day God had spoken to her and told her that He was sending someone in the shop to buy a Bible and told her which to give me. I was so thrilled I wrote her a huge cheque!

Off I went with my Bible in my sports car. Before this experience, I used to go to the top of Roberg mountain to meditate. Now I went there with my Bible. I didn’t know how to read it or where to start, so I asked the voice. I said, ‘Where must I start reading?’ 
I heard Him say, ‘Start in the Book of James.’ I didn’t know there was a book of James, but I looked it up and lo and behold there it was! I wondered why I should start reading from the back of the book, but made a calculation that God was a Hebrew, and Hebrews read from back to front…!

Finally, I Found what I was Looking For
I was 24 years of age and I had started on a marvellous adventure with God. I would fly to Cape Town every weekend to go to church. God sent friends to me to help me, teach me, encourage me. My life changed dramatically and instantly. I had a thirst for the word of God. I was truly Born Again. All the material gain I had was nothing compared with the gain of Christ. I was transformed by the love of Christ. I was 24 years old, and had clamoured for success and wealth, and things had come easily to me. But I was never satisfied – there was always something missing. Finally I had found what it was I was looking for. I am 60 yrs of age today and I’m still serving Christ, grateful for his love and what he has done in my life.

I’m so thankful that Cassy took time that day to overcome her resistance and to reach out to me, despite the fact she knew I was not interested. I was the least likely person to hear and receive, but it was my time, and God prevailed over my stubborn pride.

Sheilagh Kaiser

2 thoughts on “Guided to the Word by a Voice

  1. jpdemellor February 13, 2024 / 4:19 pm

    Now that’s what I call a testimony! 😊 Praise the Lord!!

  2. Charlene Dickerson February 18, 2024 / 9:50 pm

    Sheilagh what a joyous Jesus story 🙌🏼

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